No Hard Feelings - Movie Review

Jennifer Lawrence in No Hard Feelings (2023)

An Entertaining Dive Into 'No Hard Feelings'

  • 68

The movie ‘No Hard Feelings’ is centered around a young lady by the name, Maddie (played by Jennifer Lawrence) who is hired to be Percy (Andrew Barth Feldman) dating coach for the summer. The comedy emerges from how things that Maddie does not expect happen and how she ends up transforming. Satire makes up a significant portion of the movie since Montauk is displayed as a colourful backdrop to this strange story.

Some of the significant themes found in ‘No Hard Feelings’ include the search for identity, the pressure from the society and interpersonal relationships. Humor is employed masterfully, so the audience receives both fun and time for thought and even inspiration. This aspect of the film makes it a fun yet rather deep examination of what it means to be an adult versus a kid in a world of responsibility and silliness.

Lawrence’s portrayal of Maddie is appropriate and fun filled although there are some serious undertones in her character. Picked for the role of Percy, an introverted person, by director Lawrence, Andrew Barth Feldman brings a unique performance to the play. The chemistry between these two characters is funny and sweet, in tune with the concept of the movie.

‘No Hard Feelings’ directed by Gene Stupnitsky is well rounded for a comedy with feel and tenderness. What Stupnitsky succeeds in doing quite brilliantly is to inject humour into the mix while maintaining a gooey feel to each and every scene.

The music playlist of ‘No Hard Feelings’ is vibrant with some extremely popular numbers interspersed with some relatively less-known feel-good numbers of the same era. The cast is very original because through music we experience what the characters cannot express verbally.

In terms of visuals, the movie givesa real summer feel of Montauk throhg colorful frame and intersting composition. Cinematographer’s work can be also seen as giving extra flavor to the story by making the audience believe Maddie is living in this lovely town.

The production design gives the viewers glimpse into Maddie’s chaotic life and the lovely small town of Montauk as a setting. Props, furniture, characters, and even backgrounds are designed to add depth to the storyline.

Explosions and other graphic elements provide amusement and amusement only, and are not layered through other layers of meaning. The movie relies more on characters and practical tricks to keep truthfulness throughout the movie.

This is also done in combination with the fast pace of the film, however there are occasional opportunities to express emotions. Another strong feature observed in ‘No Hard Feelings’ is the usage of transitory scenes that easily switch from humoristic to dramatic and back.

The pacing in ‘No Hard Feelings’ is consistent throughout the movie, presenting the audience with intense comedic scenes followed by intense dramatic scenes.

The dialogues used throughout the movie are witty and most of the time sarcastic and humorous, which brings out the personality of characters in the movie. In terms of themes, heartfelt nature and growth as a person together with the pressure of society is portrayed throughout the lyrics and verses.

,Nonetheless, the given ‘No Hard Feelings’ album is packed with bright humor and introspection but at moments it seems too clichéd. The plot must sound familiar to every movie-goer but the intensity of acting and absolutely perfect casting of the main pair helps to pay no attention to cliches.

In general, ‘No Hard Feelings’ is light-hearted movie with non-stop fun and thought-provoking moments at the same time. In my opinion, it is quite realistic and entertaining with sincere and sincere performances of Jennifer Lawrence and Andrew Barth Feldman. High on the recommendation scale for all lovers of comedies with themes that are not all that light.