A High-Speed Thrill Ride with Brad Pitt
Bullet Train builds Ladybug, an unlucky killer portrayed by Brad Pitt, who sets out for a suicide mission on a train in Japan to take a briefcase. This is a fast-paced action movie with a lot of black comedy elements added in for good measure. Fate, revenge and concept of interconnected destinies are the themes of the movie and the movie has a playfulness mixed with tension that runs throughout the movie.
Brad Pitt as the main character, an unprepossessing yet resourceful and affable hitman, the Ladybug, gives spirited performance. Also, Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Brian Tyree help to enhance the picture with their various and distinctive personalities, which add complexity to the movie’s plot.
Bullet Train has been directed by David Leitch, who has applied his talents in building intense action scenes combined with black humor. By achieving good proportions of these elements, Leitch made a fast action film that remains coherent and unceasingly engaging for the audience. Use of bright colours and stiff and overhead shots captures the dramatic action scenes of the film while the comic parts are also well shot.
Characters in the setting exhibit an impressive attention to detail to the settings, especially the interiors of a bullet train, which seem almost too real. The set design is complex and contributes to the story element regarding the theme of speed as well as imprisonment.
There is effective usage of special effects, it is seen especially in the action scenes without them over dominating the movie. It also connects these effects well which make the film thrilling and exciting to watch In terms of editing, it seamlessly intercuts between multiple plots and flashbacks of the film. Such a strict composition lets the audience be always oriented in time and space, not letting the sequence of events get stumble or predictable.
Stylistically, the film represents a bullet train, never stopping until the end of the film. This sustained forward movement makes the audiences sit on the perches waiting for the destinities of the characterized persons to unveil.
Topics are explored humorously using dialogues. The writing is a blend of comedy and dramatic storytelling, giving viewers a glimpse of why characters do certain things.
For people that simply want a high octane action film, Bullet Train may confuse them with all the subplots developed and characters presented in the movie. It is stated that the plot of the film could be rather complex and untidy, and this may have been considered as a disadvantage for those viewers who liked to follow a continuous and logical story line.
Bullet Train is an action comedy movie where Chris Hemsworth provides humor to complement the incredible action-packed adventure throughout the flick. While the action scenes in the film are well-executed and we are never bored, the use of humor as well as the performances of its characters make sure we never get tired while watching the movie.