A Legacy That Redefined Television
The Sopranos revolves around the life of Tony Soprano a mob boss in New Jersey struggling with balancing his family life and his mafia affiliated responsibilities. His sanity and instability first take him to a psychiatrist, enriching the plot with elements of trust, power and morality.
The series explores important topics like multifaceted family issues, the struggles of mental health, and many aspects of criminality. It is a movie with heavy drama and suspense with previews of black humor, a fine blend between serious action and element of teasing.
‘’Tony Soprano’ played by James Gandolfini embodies the cruelty of a mobster and the fetters of a man in a relativistic battle with his Multiple Personality Disorder.’’ Edie Falco is equally strong and Michael Imperioli, thereby giving the show an ensemble of famous stars.
Als theek preliminair regie ingesteld door Timothy Van Patten, John Patterson en Allen Coulter: The Sopranos toont een getrouw beeld van de leefwereld van zijn personages, wat realistisch en hypetechnisch naast elkaar staat .
‘This loose collection adds the underlining music to the series, with the rock and pop tunes changing from era to era and incorporating jazz and opera in scenes that needed urgency and gravitas, respectively.’
Photography in the Sopranos: The Sopranos has cinematography of the noir, touch of darkness and skillfully lit story of Tony Soprano.
Stylish and precise reflecting accurate depictions of the mafia life, including the interior of Tony’s Sky sighed mansion, and other unpretentious New Jersey settings.
Practical effects are used by The Sopranos to anchor its story in realism, as well as avoiding an overuse of purely artistic special effects in order to bring its violent and emotional scenes to life.
For its part, the editing of the series is distinct and meaningful, it preserves a logical sequence of events in the show even though it was presented in the format of the different timelines and points of view, the connection between the episodes is strong.
‘The Sopranos takes its time, which aids the character evolution and story arching processes, but does not hinder tension and suspense of the series.’
The dialog is as tough as nails and heavily inflected with- and full of calls back to – Italian-American life…there are aspects of the show that are funny and moments of genuine soul-searching.
Despite the fact the The Sopranos is loved by almost all its viewers, the theme of violence and the characters’ questionable ethics might be an issue for some. Said show very often puts the audience in pathetic positions that are synonymous with problematic protagonists, which is disquieting yet hugely important.