Designated Survivor: Thrills of a Political Chess Game
In ‘Designated Survivor’, an act of terror destroys the entire presidential succession line in America putting an ordinary lower cabinet member Tom Kirkman Kiefer Sutherland in the hot seat. In the middle of societal collapse and political conspiracies, a new leader, Kirkman, thinks about the powers he got as a result of destruction and denial of his political enemies; in the meantime, he should reconstruct the country, strengthen his family, search for the masterminds behind the terrorists’ act. Living in Washington D.C., he encounters enmies both inside and outside the presidency that question his belief system and passion for politics.
The series starts with the intrigue, drama, and political maneuvering that defines political life. Main subject areas are survival, leadership thrown into turmoil, power executive, and the United States of America politics. where political struggles move to the more private ones with ease and create an interesting, though still believable, story line.
Kiefer Sutherland does a solid job in his portrayal of Tom Kirkman’s evolution of a processes from a politically-oriented man with uncertain decisions to a confident leader. This captures tension of the character when in exercising the role of leadership, he has to wrestle between principles and responsibilities. The acting of the supporting characters such as Adan Canto, Italia Ricci, Kal Penn, and Maggie Q complements the plot by embracing limitless charm and strength in their performance thus adding the element of realism and emotional appeal.
The directors, Chris Grismer, Frederick E.O. Toye and Timothy Busfield effectively depict the adrenaline-pumping and suspenseful atmosphere of the show depicting a complex and intriguing political environment of the United States of These give magnificent instructions that make them continue the flow of the narrative in every episode while making it be an outstanding power dynamic series.
The high-stakes track that accompanies the series is a perfect match. The special recording amplifies dramatic scenes, and underlying feelings without diverting attention to the music.
The visuals of ‘Designated Survivor’ captures the openness and cold structures of Washington DC and deep as well as nervous interpersonal interactions. It submerges the viewers in the parallel reality of political appearances and personal lives
The set design captures the essence of political environment ; perfect artificial white house reproductions, realistic offices and the aftermath. This attention to the detail helps depict governmental confusion as well as size of the attacks.
Using special effects appropriately the series was able to depict the actual terrorist attacks appropriately. Special effects are realistic and forceful, however unnecessary despite adding a boost to the general flow of the show.
The show’s editing is well-done to make sure that everything flows smoothly and builds on to the next scene we see. It skilfully sets up the volatility of fight scenes with the calmness of scenes portraying character development.
This political series is paced well with lots of political twists in addition to character development. Every episode builds up the story’s progression, fans get hooked with the sphere of consequential actions.
The discussions in ‘Designated Survivor’ are intellectual, reflecting sincerity of political debates and dramatic protagonists’ roles. From the character motives and their complications it gives a solidity to the plot.
Over all, ‘Designated Survivor’, focuses more as a political thriller though sometimes it is stooped in cliches that are inherent to a political drama show. Characters and some plotlines may appear too familiar or highly charged to create the necessary tension sometimes they are clichéd. However, these elements are usually accompanied with rather memorable performances and engaging main plotline.
In fact, ‘Designated Survivor’ is a political thriller where each twist only ups the ante of the show slightly. The series is the reflection of a man who does not want to be a leader but is, taking audiences into a series of crises, offering a thrilling yet thoughtful experience to the audience after which the show stays with people.